Friday, April 17, 2009
And even more, Rocky does it too!
I just have to get a memory card and get his funny furry butt on video!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ju Ju Be Exclusive REVEALED!

This is a GREAT exclusive for the Ju Ju Be Pre-Orders!
The offer lasts until we get the items in.
Visit to place your order!
If your pre-order is over $50 you get $10 towards your next order
Over $75 you get $15
Over $100 you get $20
Over $150 you get $30
Over $200 you get $45
And if your order is over $300 you get $65 towards your next order!
You must be an LD&D Yahoo Group Member to qualify.
New orders placed please enter your LD&D group username in the comments section.
For orders placed, email me your LD&D group username and I'll update your order!
(To clarify, you must be an LD&D Yahoo diaperbags group member as this is an exclusive just for our Yahoo group members :)
If you repost this please include the following link for those that want to join:
How awesome!??!!?
These amounts are strictly for the pre-ordered items and will be totaled when the pre-orders ship.
If you would like to add to your orders please email me directly to keep all pre-order items together.
For my email please visit our Yahoo Group
Thank you all for your support and loyalty! We love you all!
Feel free to post this for everyone to enjoy, please include entire post.
Don't forget to check out our 50-80% off section and our Specials Section as well!
And as usual, orders over $50 ship free in the US!
No sales tax outside of NY!
Free mini baby blanket with every diaper bag over $100.
Always giving away free stuff! :)

Check this out!
Everyone laughed at her when she got up and claimed her dream was to be a star... hell I giggled too.
But she shut me up pretty quickly!
"Don't judge a book by it's cover" certainly took on a new level.
She had the courage to stand up in front of hundreds, knew that millions will see her perform, knew she would be judged not only on the questionable talent she hid from the world but would be judged on a first impression basis of her appearance. Nonetheless she took a stand and has surely put everyone's foot in their mouth!
This lady is AMAZING and I hope her dream does come true.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Great Time To Order A Ju Ju Be!

The new prints Navy Berry and Cloud Break look great and now the Mini Be comes in Julia's Ribbons and the Be Spicy comes in Drip Drops!
How awesome!?!?!?

Your free pre-order gifts will depend on the order total so if you want to add to your pre-order email me directly (you can get my email on the yahoo group! :). Just let me know what you want to add that way all of your pre-order items are in one order!
Not revealing the gifts yet but I'll do a reveal in the group next week so stay tuned!
Wanna join the fun? Join our YAHOO GROUP!
I will be doing a giveaway for a stash picture next week as well and your pic will be posted on the home page! Show it off! :)

We recently added Baby Bee Bags to our wonderful collection and I have to admit, they are WONDERFUL!
I've only heard great things about their bags and have had the joy of playing with some too! They're awesome, roomy with great features!
We did a video on the Eglan and they saw it! Soooooooo they were nice enough to donate a Fabien for us to do a video on too! The video will be posted next week on You Tube.
They asked me to give it away to a lucky mama so we will be having a contest for it!

All of your diapering needs can fit right in there!
The most awesome feature is the small zip off bag on the front. Firstly it has a pocket right behind it AS WELL and what's great is you can put your wallet, cell and mommy items in there and just zip it right off when you don't need the whole diaper bag! Leaving the baby with daddy in the car? Zip it right off and you're ready to run into the store without lugging around a diaper bag! It's also a convertible!!!
Watch the video below to see more!

I LOVE how roomy this bag is! I tried it on for good measure and it's super comfortable!

The Fabien ALSO has the change station compartment with the pull out changing pad. How convenient!?!?!?
Subscribe to our YouTube videos to be updated when we add some more!
Amy will be hosting the contest (WE LOVE YOU AMY) so keep checking in to her blog!
I know a lot of you go to her blog so I asked if Baby Bee Bags and us would be able to sponsor another giveaway.... she agreed! :)
Also, you can join Baby Bee Bags on FACEBOOK!
Technology rocks! :)
More Videos!
Take a look at some of the new videos and to get updates just visit and subscribe to littledudesanddivas!
Also! If you have any special requests, comparison videos you would like to see or just any specific item we carry don't be shy! We will try our best to take those videos and get them up as soon as we can!
Recent;y Started Reading Again

I used to love James Patterson. He's an excellent writer and I know the books are easy reads but I love them! The mystery and suspense!
He does a great job of pulling you into a story and my addiction began with Patterson....
BUT! I discovered Nora Roberts! LOVE HER! Each and every book is amazing!

Has anyone ever read any of their books? I would love to get some more suggestions.
I love Nora Roberts' "In Death" series but would love to expand to other writers as well.
Any suggestions?