Me? Well I'm always stressed. Seems like there is always reason to be and having every joe shmo tell me otherwise is just more stressful!
So yeah, I know what stress is doing to me in general. I live it every day... don't deny it, you do too.
Not sleeping well at night
Finding your appetite to be insatiable
Hair loss
Annoying habits
Irritable all the time
Undefined menstrual cycle

And these are only on the surface! What about the chemical reactions in your body? Think it doesn't effect your every day life? Think you're handling it well! HA! DENIAL!
Sometimes you feel like your head is going to explode and sometimes you hope for it!
Fight or Flight BABY:
Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to. When you are stressed, your body responds as though you are in danger. It makes hormones that speed up your heart, make you breathe faster, and give you a burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-flight (Web MD)
Stress effects you more than you know. I know the diagram isn't big enough but basically it shows you the different areas that stress can effect you.

Your boss can be the biggest pain and you feel unappreciated. Your spouse just doesn't get WHY it is that you're stressed or your scraping for that month's rent. The kids just won't behave and no meal is satisfying enough to their picky needs. The in laws are hounding you for yet another grandchild but they don't know you're doctor just told you there is a health risk involved. The antique bowl you got for your wedding just broke, you sliced your finger while cooking, the shower has no pressure and the moths made holes in your suit!
What else can possible go wrong!?!??
And someone had the nerve to eat your Moist Maker Turkey Sandwich!??!?!

Ok... let's be realistic now...
There should be at least one person in your life that can make you feel better. Where a hug or massage relieves some of that days stress. Breathing techniques might work for you, I prefer the cig break, some tears and chocolate! VENT! Despite what you think, it helps! Just make sure to vent to the right crowd. Not everyone truly cares what you're going through and when you realize the person you've been venting to just wants you to shut up already, that can only add to your stress.
We live in a crazy world people! No one wants to take on their own lives and deal with other people's problems but what helps you, might help others too. Being nice and thoughtful has lost all meaning... How about we start to remedy that?
How about you? Need an ear to talk off? Email me! I'll listen if you do!
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