So we added some BabyLegs for 50% off.... yeah you read correctly! 50% OFF!!!!
Super cute and perfect for the winter.
And you can laugh all you want but I own 2 pairs myself thank you very much!
They're great for baby legs and arms... but they fit adults arms too!
They funky up my outfits and keep my arms warm.... so cute!
Check 'em out!
BabyLegs Leg Warmers
BabyLegs Leg Warmers make a great all year round addition to your child's wardrobe. BabyLegs Leg Warmers come in a wide variety of colors and patterns to match any fun outfit! The BabyLegs Leg Warmers can be used on arms as well and help your little one make a fashion statement!

• Make diaper changes a breeze
• Protect soft knees from harsh surfaces
• Keep legs (and arms) warm year round
• Provide light weight sun protection
• Make potty training easier
• Jazz up any dance class
• Make a fun fashion statement with styles for every occasion
• Gapiosis: The space between the sock and the bottom of the pant, often accentuated by being held in arms or by being placed in a carrier or stroller.
Sweet little BabyLegs all over the world are being exposed to the chilly air because of gapiosis. Protect their sweet little legs from wind burn and chill with BabyLegs Leg Warmers!
• Feet remain free to allow for successful crawling, walking, and dancing. BabyLegs also help keep socks on!

BabyLegs Leg Warmers are cotton and have an over-lock stitch on it’s cuffs to prevent unraveling.
BabyLegs has grown from one mom’s diaper bag essential to an essential product for all. They began as a solution to keep little legs warm, and now the uses are endless!

Beyond all of these benefits, BabyLeg Leg Warmers were also very fashionable. The popularity of BabyLegs spread quickly throughout the world. BabyLegs Leg Warmers can now be found in over 50 countries from Israel to Chile to Iceland.
BabyLegs provides products that allow for freedom of movement, support independence and creative self expression. BabyLegs was created out of a desire to see a child run free, breathe and explore the world unencumbered by anything that might get in the way.
We celebrate the exploration of life and self and will strive to evolve with you as you grow. Our commitment to being always new and constantly cool allows us to do just that.
We hope you enjoy our sweet BabyLegs Leg Warmers!
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