So last night, with 23 points left (I have 32 a day) I went with my guy to a friend's house.
I'll give him this much, he's very forthcoming with my willingness to lose some weight.
He went out and bought ground beef and buns...... We went to some friends..... had a shot of tequila (which pretty much floored me cause I'm a "LIGHT" weight hahaha) and none of us wanted to make the patties!
He took initiative! No egg! No oil! AND on the George Foreman grill!
He added a little bread to it, onions and spices.
They came out amazing! We each had 2! I was full with points to spare!
I made a huge no no by not eating all my points :(
I lacked only like 3 points or so (It's been tough getting back to the system)
But I'll get it right!!!! I know I will! With the help of my LDD TEAM! WOOHOO!
My current goal is to look as great in either of these dresses for my upcoming vacation as I did back then! (pay no mind to the cig)

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